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2138cn太阳集团全域研学成立于2015 年,致力于全域研学体系打造,是地市州筹划设置专业研学统筹机构,以“做更好的研学教育”为核心,以“做研学旅行安全的守护者”为己任,致力于打造有品质、有示范性的研学教育品牌。
Comprehensive Researching and Learning Founded in 2015, Blue Sea Comprehensive Researching and Learning Institute is committed to building a comprehensive researching and learning system. It is a professional researching and learning coordination organization for cities and county-level planning and deployment. With the core of "Providing better researching education" and the responsibility of "Being the guardian of safe studious trip", Blue Sea Comprehensive Researching and Learning Institute is committed to establishing a distinguished and exemplary brand of researching education.